안녕하세요 한 주가 다시 시작이 되었네요
다들 즐거운 마음으로 한 주를 시작 하셨으면 좋겠네요
이번 주에는 코로나 사태가 조금은 진정되는 추새가 보이기를.. 기도해 보면서
오늘 포스팅의 본 주제로 넘어가 보도록 하겠습니다
오늘은 미국 Talk Show로 같이 영어 공부를 해보도록 하겠습니다
실제 원어민들이 사용하는 영어를 들으며 공부해보는 시간인데요
그럼 한국에서도 굉장히 유명한 배우인 Will Smith 가 Jimmy Kimmel Live 에 나온 영상과 함께
같이 공부해보도록 해요
그럼 영상 먼저 보고 오실게요~
출처 https://youtu.be/id53QbfPpyo
Do you enjoy being Will Smith, Is it a burden? I mean.. Do you ever disguise yourself and go out so that you're not noticed or whatever?
Will I want people to recognize me
You do want that
I think that's a healthy way to go about it
Will You know what, cause I've met a lot of people where fame can be a burden, And I just love it man
Jimmy You do
I really do, You know you just go and you pointing at people. I had a thing the other day, the perfect example. It was probably about three weeks ago, and I was driving, and I realized I was on E, and you know I haven't been paying-- I don't be paying attention, and I was on E, and I was like "Oh, No", Cause I was about 30 minutes from my house. So I pulled into the gas station, and I didn't have my wallet, and I was like "Oh, Tragedy" right?
So I'm looking, and I'm looking, and I was like "Well, Can I call Jada?" then she got to drive 30 minutes to come, and I looked over on the other side, and I saw a dude, he was like 36 years old, I was like "That dude is a Fresh Prince fan" You know? You can just spot them, You can just spot them right? You can spot them, and I kind of rolled the window down, and I was like-- you know? After a couple of minutes, he was like "Will?" I was like "Yeah, Hey, What's up man? What's up?" And he said "Hey man, Can I get a picture?" I said "Yeah man, I need about 10 dollars"
Jimmy seems reasonable
And he was like "really?" and he was like really excited, we took the selfie, he lent me the 10 dollars, and I was like "Give me your number, I'll send it back" and he was like "dude, No way, No way, That's yours" I was like--
주요 영어 단어/표현
- burden 부담, 짐
- disguise 변장하다, 위장하다, 숨기다
- notice 알아채다, 의식하다
- recognize (어떤 사람, 사물을 보거나 듣고 누구, 무엇인지) 알아보다
- fame 명성
- pay attention 관심을 갖다, 신경 쓰다
- pulled into ~에 도착하다, 차를 ~에 대어 놓다 (주차하다)
- tragedy 비극(적인 사건)
- spot 발견하다, 찾다, 알아채다
- reasonable 타당한, 합당한
네 이렇게 오늘 포스팅도 끝이 났습니다
그렇게 어려운 단어들이 많이 나오지는 않았지만 대본 없이는
이해하기 힘드셨던 분도 계실거라 생각이 드는데요
심지어 아는 단어들도 가끔은 그 단어의 실제 발음법, 소리를 몰라서
못 알아듣는 경우도 꽤나 많기 때문에 이렇게 실제 원어민들이 어떠한 단어를 어떻게 발음하는지 조차도
잘 신경쓰면서 공부하신다면 정말 많은 도움이 될거라 확신합니다
네 다들 그럼 몸 관리 잘하셔서 건강 잘 챙기시구요
오늘도 열공하시길 바랍니다 ㅎ
제 글이 누군가에게는 조금이라도 도움이 되었기를 바라면서
그럼 저는 다음에 또 다른 글과 함께 찾아 오도록 하겠습니다
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