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Talk Show 로 영어공부

by 퀸텟 2020. 3. 27.


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그럼 영상 먼저 보시고 올까요~?









In the movies when the.. or TV when there's something going on, some big event in the world, somebody always says, wake the president. And then somebody has to wake the president, Does that happen? first of all..

President Obama

Well, First of all, I have a phone right by my bedside. and every morning, somebody calls and says, Mr. president, It's your 7 am, wake up call, and I pick it up. And it works just like a phone. That's it

Jimmy So nobody pokes his head in and like hopefully you're covered up or whatever when it happens?

President Obama

No, Look, There have been maybe three or four instances where you do get a call in the middle of the night. So for example, When the typhoon hit Japan, Fukushima. and you're not sure what exactly is going to be happening, It's the other side of the world, so It's the middle of the night. and we had to deploy our experts and our military to make sure that any potential nuclear disaster was contained and we helped the Japanese. So things like that will happen every once in a while, But for the most part--

Jimmy They let you sleep?

President Obama

For the most part, They let me sleep, usually the real serious problems that come up are ones that we've anticipated. We can kind of see coming. but let me knock on wood, I've only got two or three months left. You have to be ready if something happens

Jimmy Right, You have to be ready

President Obama

But As I've mentioned before, what I don't do is like at 3 am, I don't tweet about people who insulted me. I try to sleep so that in the morning, I'm actually ready





주요 영어 단어/표현

  • First of all 우선, 가장 먼저
  • poke someone's head 고개(머리)를 내밀다
  • instance 사례, 경우
  • typhoon 태풍
  • deploy 배치하다
  • expert 전문가
  • military 군대
  • potential ~이 될 가능성이 있는, 잠재적인
  • disaster 참사, 재난
  • contain (좋지 않을 일을) 방지하다
  • anticipated 예상하다, 예측하다
  • knock on wood 행운을 빌다 (미국의 미신같은 것, 나무를 두드려 나쁜 운을 떨쳐낸다 라는 뜻임)
  • As I've mentioned before 전에 말했던 대로
  • insult 모욕하다





네 이렇게 오늘 포스팅도 끝이 났습니다



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