오늘도 Talk Show로 영어공부를 같이 해보기 위해
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미국 Talk Show중 정말 유명한 Ellen Show이구요
Ellen Show에 Taylor Swift 가 나온 영상입니다
그럼 오늘도 실제 원어민 들이 하는 영어를 듣고 같이 공부해보는
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그럼 영상먼저 보실까요~?
Ellen Let's talk about your fear of sea urchins
Taylor Uh...Don't even.. sea urchins
No, come on
You're actually serious about this?
Do you know what a sea urchin is?
Do you know what they are?
Taylor If you knew what sea urchins were, you would be terrified of them
Well, listen, they're just these...
they're in the... they're on rocks, and they're spiny-looking... there.
And the poor things are just minding their own business
No, they're not, They're not, That's the thing, They're like a grenade
They're like.. they're sitting there waiting to completely injure you to the point where..
Okay, so you step, You can't see a sea urchin if you're... Okay, like, if you're in the Caribbean, you're like, "this water is so beautiful, It's amazing" And you're walking. It's clear water.
You can't see a sea urchin's right there, and then you step on one, And then it has barbs, and it goes into whatever it touches, and then you have to go to the emergency room, and it has to be surgically removed. You could lose your your foot, You could lose your hand, You could lose your hand trying to get it off of your foot. so I don't like sea urchins.
Listen, let me tell you something about sea urchins
"They can puncture and injure you and cause swelling and redness."
Taylor Does that sound like stuff that you want?
But that's not what you just.. you just described losing your hand and your foot
You could lose your hand and your foot from swelling and redness
It's a living thing that would be stuck in you like a knife
It's not living, and it's the spine, and a lot of people that you're not..
It's not gonna happen to you, number one
Taylor Yeah, cause I don't want to go near clear water
Just murky water?
Okay, let's talk about another irrational fear of yours. You're scared of getting arrested
Taylor I'm... scared of getting framed
Ellen Okay, now you've gone one step beyond Who would frame you, and for what?
Oh, so many people would frame me
And they could frame you for any crime that you could go to jail, and Iook at me, I wouldn't survive in jail. And I think it comes from the fact that, like, I could open up my phone, I could look at my phone and see any headline written about me at any time, and it could be like the most ridiculously untrue thing. And so, I think the dream and the nightmare of being framed comes from like, I could do nothing wrong. I could sit in my house with the cats all day, and somehow, there could be an article about like me buying a house in a place I've never been or dating a guy I've never met.
Ellen Right
Taylor So it's like.. you know, but then you take it a step further, and in nightmare world, it's being framed for murder
I don't think that's a step. That's a leap
But anyway, I think you're fine, and I think you would even have fans in prison, and they would take care of you, and they would all love you, and you would be their queen
So, rest assured
주요 영어단어/표현
- sea urchins 성게
- terrified 무서워하는, 겁이난
- spiny-looking 가시가 있어보이는
- grenade 수류탄
- injure 부상을 입히다
- barbs 가시
- puncture 구멍을 내다
- swelling 살갗의(부기)
- redness 발적, 적열상태
- stuck in ~에 갇힌, 움직일 수 없는
- spine 가시
- murky (진흙 등으로)흐린
- irrational 비이성(비논리)적인
- arrested 체포된
- framed 틀에 낀
- murder 살인
- leap 도약
- rest assured 확신해도(믿어도) 된다
네 이렇게 이번 포스팅도 끝이 났네요
새롭게 배운 영어단어 라던가 영어표현이 있으셨나요?
있으셨으면 꼭 잊어버리지 마시고 꾸준히 공부해서 완전히 본인것으로 만드셔야 한다는 점!
알고 계시죠~?
넵 그럼 오늘도 열공하시구요
제 글이 조금이라도 도움이 되었다면 좋겠네요
그럼 다음에 또 다른 영상으로 찾아오겠습니다
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