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영어 English/Talk Show로 영어공부

Talk Show로 영어공부(Ellen Show 엘렌쇼)

by 퀸텟 2020. 3. 15.





오늘은 새로운 영어공부법과 함께 찾아왔습니다

이번 포스트에서 같이 해볼 영어 공부법은 바로

미국 Talk Show로 영어공부 하기 인데요

미국 Talk Show에서 실제 원어민들이 하는 영어를 듣고 공부해보며 따라하는 그러한 영어 공부법 입니다

그럼 시작해보겠습니다







So you're dating

I assume you're dating 

I don't know if you're in a realationship, But there's gotta be a difference between English guys and American guys,right?



Umm.. yeah, There's definitely one or two differences that I've noticed, English guys are like very well put together and they dress really well and they're very well-mannered, But they're also very restrained, like usually, you know... in the whole courting situation, I'm used to being like first of all, ignored for like the first two months of the ritual And then, maybe they'll acknowledge my presence, and then they'll probably be a little mean to me and then maybe, we'll, you know, whatever

And then I arrive in America and I remember, like.. few nights in to Brown this guy just being like, "I like you, you're great, let's go out on a date, let's do it." and I'm like, "I'm sorry? What just happened?"

This is like, you know, a huge culture shock for me...is that, you know, that they're very like open and, very straightforward But they wear flip-flops, so I don't know if I like that

Ellen  Yeah It's about...  You gotta figure it out

Emma It's hard

Ellen  Alright, well, uh... I really think you're just fantastic, so come back any time you want, You're really just something else 



I'll be here all the time, When I'm having a bad day, My friend Sophie would send me the David Beckham skit that you did with the no thumbs, It just makes my day better



It's one of my favorite things also that we've ever done is David Beckham, We did the thing... It's on the website, we put the thing in David Beckham's ear and I told him what to say 

Emma You have to check it out


It was funny
Alright, The perks of being a wallflower is in theaters now, It's a beautiful movie, and the wallflowers will be here after this performing
Emma Watson





주요 단어/표현




  • assume 추정하다
  • In a relationship 사귀는 중이다,남자친구or 여자친구가 있다
  • notice 알아채다
  • To be well put together (사람에게 말할때) 옷을 잘 입는다, 보기 좋다
  • well-mannered 매너가 좋은
  • restrained 차분한,절제된
  • courting /courtship 커플이 서로에 대해 알아가고 좀 더 깊은 관계를 가질 수 있을까를 확인하고 결정하는 그 특정 기간을 뜻함
  • acknowledge 인정하다
  • presence (특정한 곳에) 있음, 존재
  • be mean to someone 못되게 굴다
  • go out on a date 데이트 하다
  • open 개방적인
  • straightforward 솔직한,직설적인
  • flip-flop 쪼리(신발)
  • figure something out (무언가를) 알아내다
  • check it out 확인하다,확인해봐



네 이렇게 talk show로 영어공부 해봤습니다~


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