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오늘도 영어공부 컨텐츠로 찾아왔습니다
오늘 해볼것은 저와 함께 미국 Talk Show를 보면서
실제 원어민들이 하는 말들을 들어보고 공부해보는 시간을 가져볼까 합니다
오늘 제가 준비한 Talk Show 영상은 Ellen Show 이구요
그럼 같이 영어공부 할 준비 되셨나요~?
영상 먼저 보고 오겠습니다
출처 https://youtu.be/wyftHNuxlOw
I'm just curious, How many of you made New Year's resolutions? Okay, How many of you kept them? Fewer hands are going up.
I did not make any this year, Last year my resolution was to stop procrastinating and I still haven't gotten around to it, so... I'm starting a new rule. You shouldn't be allowed to make any New Year's resolution until you finish your old ones. That's my rule. That'll keep America busy right there. I don't know who came up with this tradition, but is New Year's day the best time to start a resolution?
You wake up at noon, you're hungover. You're not even sure where you are. It's not the time to worry about a new diet. You have bigger priorities, like where are your pants? Trying to figure out why there's a banjo in bed with you, You're covered in cool whip.
Anybody? Anyway.
Hypothetical, I was just wondering. I was curious what kind of resolution that, uh, people made this year.
So I asked my Facebook fans, and here are a few. Thank you Danny. It's not his name. This comes.. from Lisa Rangle, My resolution is to look great naked, Giving myself two months before my trip to Vegas. What are you planning to do in Vegas? Wow! Sharon DeMarco, I think, Mine is to quit smoking for the children and grandkids. Ellen, I don't know... If you read these Jeez, I can't even keep up with my own Facebook and I'm not famous. Well, Sharon I do read these. So maybe your resolution should be to have a little more faith in me. Patty Eldridge says my resolution is to quit men. Some are easier than others. Misty Warren, This year I'm not going to miss an Ellen Show for anything short of my own death, Now some people have their priorities in order. Good for you Misty. I wish you're all success with your resolutions this year, and right now I'm gonna stick to my resolution I made 10 seasons ago to dance after every monologue
주요 영어 단어/표현
- curious 궁금한
- New Year's resolution 새해 결심
- procrastinate (해야 할 일을) 미루다
- come up with something (해답, 돈 등을) 찾아내다, 생각해내다
- hungover 숙취에 시달리는
- priority 우선 사항
- figure out ~을 이해하다, 파악하다
- banjo 밴조, 미국에서 발달한 발현악기
- cool whip 크림 형태의 디저트
- hypothetical 가상적인, 가설의
- naked 벌거벗은
- keep up with something ~을 정기적으로 하다, (뉴스, 유행 등에 대해) 알게 되다
- faith 믿음, 신앙
- stick to something (어려움을 참고) ~을 계속하다
- monologue (혼자서 하는) 긴 이야기, 독백
네 이렇게 오늘 포스팅도 끝이 났네요
어떠셨나요~? 재밌지 않으셨나요?
저는 이렇게 토크쇼로도 영어공부를 굉장히 많이 한답니다
영어공부 라기 보다는 주기적으로 토크쇼를 보면서 모르는 단어나 표현이 있다면
그걸 찾아보고 공부하는 식으로 하고 있어요
많은 분들도 한번 시도해 봤으면 하는 영어 공부법 이구요
이런식으로 꾸준히 실제 원어민들이 하는 영어를 듣다보면
자연스럽게 영어에 익숙해 질 수 있을거라 믿습니다 ㅎ
네 그럼 오늘도 열공 하시구요
제 글이 누군가에게는 조금이라도 도움이 되었기를.. 하는 마음으로
저는 다음에 또 다른 주제로 새로운 글과 함께 찾아 오도록 하겠습니다
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